Thursday, 1 June 2017

Gurney Book Club Week 6 & Other Studies

Some more colour and lighting studies this week, out of my comfort zone:

Did this study of Tom Van de Wouwer's work, looking at what happens when two coloured lights are simultaneously lighting a surface. Also trying out a more brushy um.. brushwork

I never paint environments, and I actually think I'm starting to enjoy them! This one was focusing on using warm and cool colours in a painting, although I think I could have pushed the clearness of the shadows more.

Some practice rendering fabric and form, in monochrome

First painting in a long time that wasn't just at study! Quite proud of that hand painted wood ^_^

 A Loish study, I've always admired the way she uses limited but super punchy palettes.

Discovered Anatomy360 and downloaded the Head Pack! Super impressed so far.

Some sketches done to study lighting

Also! been doing some 3D modelling in Blender for work:

Last but not least, I was really mystified by this breakdown of a horse's walk, so I decided to hand-animate it to try to visualize it more easily for myself:

AND I think I've finally settled on my grad project idea: Dune. (and House Atreides). So you'll be seeing a lot more of that soon. Here's a first pass at Jessica and Leto!